on the road with CURIOUS GEORGE

The cast of CURIOUS GEORGE tells tales of travel.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

New York City.
It's 4:00am, and I'm wide awake. There's a bug going around the cast, and I've got it big time! I went to bed early, thanks to Nyquil, but my cough woke me up, and the cats made sure it 'took'. It was so cute, though-- Felix crawled up and perched on my chest, purring like a maniac, as if to say, "You got up just for ME?!"

Yesterday's show was out on Long Island, at a little Catholic school called Saint Dominic's. Several jokes were made about thresholds and lighting strikes, but all escaped unscathed. Patrick said the place smelled like the Catholic school he grew up in. We decided that all Catholic schools must smell -- the smell of communion wafers and guilt.

The principal (I imagine she was a nun) led the children in a prayer before the show; they prayed for (among other things) the "couple of actors in the cast who are sick". It was so cute-- Laura and I were verclempt! I'm not sure it helped much, as I had a horrible show, with a very squeaky, unpredictable voice... but it was very sweet, nevertheless. The moms were also awesome-- they brought coffee and donuts for us, and after the show they gave us money for lunch! Quickest way to an actor's heart is to give them free food, so we were all "This is our favorite school!" Never mind that there weren't dressing rooms (again), and the stage was too small for our set... NOPE... so long as there's partially hydrogenated soybean oil and corn syrup in our bellies, we're a happy bunch of troupers. We took photos with the kids after the show; I'll get a copy for the blog, soon.

Other than that, nothing much to report. Today we head up to another Westchester school, at o-god-thirty in the morning, and then we drive to PA for the night. Just one night away... maybe by the time I get back, I won't sound like Bea Arthur. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm sure she's a very nice man -- I mean, lady.

I'm off to try to get more sleep...


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