on the road with CURIOUS GEORGE

The cast of CURIOUS GEORGE tells tales of travel.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lawton, OK... or should I say... Texa-homa?!
For the next ten days, we are traveling back and forth between Texas and Oklahoma so many times, it's insane. I think are crossing the Texas-Oklahoma border seven times. Okay, maybe it's only four. But four is REALLY CLOSE to seven, dude. Really, really close.

So, Cara lost her drawers ...in Fort Worth! Yes, although I am still sore from the embarrassment at having leaving my own costume behind, I admit that some day it will probably be funny. Maybe by College Station, TX... where we're getting the costume FedEx'd back to us... maybe it'll be funny by then. Yeah, yeah, it'll be funny by then.

The drive down into Texas a couple days ago was quite beautiful, and the weather has been awesome (70's and 80's!). Big sky, nice sunsets, great weather... can't complain too much. Tim, Patrick, Briana and I found some good BBQ in Fort Worth (Angelo's) but all agreed that it wasn't quite as good as Dreamland. GOOD, mind you, and plenty of really good taxidermy on the walls... but not quite as good as Dreamland.

This morning we had a show in Oklahoma City... ONCE WE FOUND THE THEATRE! Apparently, there are two Civic Centers in that town, and we (along with three of the school buses) went to the wrong one! But, once we found the theatre, we had a quick setup, a good show, and the crew was awesome. They even found us a pair of coveralls for me, (granted, they were extra large and shit brown, but who's counting?) and even tried to cheer me up about the loss of the original ones, isn't that sweet? They also shared their secret-stash-coffee with us, which is SO far above and beyond the call of duty! So, it was a pretty decent day, all things considered.

Finally, today, the end of an era: Patrick got his stitches out today. Now he can shave off the little catapillar he's been growing around the scar! Tim took pictures of the event... one of these days we'll publish them...

More later...


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