on the road with CURIOUS GEORGE

The cast of CURIOUS GEORGE tells tales of travel.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Tulsa, OK
A quick post...

While in Mississippi, we found out the hard way that the phrase "boo-boo" (which we use several times during the show, when George gets hurt, he has a 'boo-boo')... that in some parts of the South, 'boo-boo' is another word for shit. Yep. George goes off stage, falls while off stage, and Patrick and I remark... "that's quite a boo-boo". Yep. You betcha! Thousands of kids yell, "Ewwwwww!!!" We changed it to "owie" for the second performance, that day.

Since then, not much to report. We were in Memphis, TN for a couple days... I don't have anything to report, personally, because I have a bit of a cold, and I barely left the motel. (Which was... oh, possibly the worst yet... it wasn't Theatreworks' fault. Laura found this gem on the internet-- all lies! This time, we're talking peeling paint, mold on the ceiling... someone should have condemed the place years ago. Memphis has a little Marti Gras, so everything else was too expensive or booked up. I was too sick to care, really -- slept most of the time).

Anyways, I hear that everyone else hit Beale Street for beer and bbq, and Laura hung out with her friends in the area.
On to a week of TX and OK!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Columbus, MS
...the birthplace of Tennessee Williams. We took route 82 to get here from Tuscaloosa... and friends, make no mistake... we are in the South. There are more Baptist Churches between Tuscaloosa and Columbus (only about 1.5 hours' drive) than there are ...McDonalds! My guess is that, per capita, there is a church of some reformation or other for every 6.5 Mississippians. Mississippurals? Mississippiganders?

Anyways, there are a bunch of churches in this part of the South, which I can only imagine is due to the fact that there just plain isn't anything else to do. Besides bowling, which we found, and BBQ, which we also found... and after ingesting, I assure you, there is reason to repent.

Yes, before going to Bama Bowl in Tuscaloosa last night, we were directed to Dreamland BBQ for ribs... LORDY! I swear, I've had a drawl all day -- it's the sauce, I think. The vinegar deadens all the nerves in your tongue, and then you can't help but drrrrawl allll day, ya'alllll... So, for the love of Jesus, if you're ever passing by Tuscaloosa, get off the highway, turn right at the urinal lawn ornament (NOT kidding), and you'll find yourself in Dreamland. (Just promise to leave room for Banana Pudding with Nilla wafers).

Bama Bowl was awesome, too. The more I bowl, the more I wonder if there isn't a little Polish blood in me, after all. I like it a little TOO much.. good thing it's so expensive to bowl in NYC, because I have a feeling if it were $7.00 for 2 hours, I'd be really good (and also braiding my armpit hair) in no time. Furthermore, it was Briana's first time bowling, and her scores improved impressively with each game. Even Paul, who usually hates bowling, had a good time and let us make fun of him. Almost everyone had some run-in or other with the slippery floor, or the heavier-than-hell bowling balls, or Greg screaming "GO CARA!! GOOOOOO!" Lots of insanity... no picutres, tho, except the ones burned into my head. Highlights: Paul falling over, Briana tossing the ball like she's tossing a horseshoe, Tim stealing the perfect, 10-lb ball *I* picked out, for MYSELF, Laura throwing before the guard went up, and the ball came BACK TO HER... (never saw that one, before), and the strikes Briana and I bowled for Patrick, while he was on the phone... good shit.

This morning's shows in Tuscaloosa went well, as per usual. The kids loved it; it always makes us feel great when they get it, when they laugh and cheer and answer questions asked on stage (Shep: "Where is that monkey?" kids: "HE'S ON YOUR BACK!! HE'S ON YOU!!!"). Cool venue, the Bama Theatre. (Haunted, though...creepy...)

After a short drive, we're happily installed at the Days Inn in Columbus, with two shows tomorrow morning. I should sign off... more later.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Raleigh, NC.
So much has happened, since our last entry.

Patrick's lady, Seana, came to visit us in Triangle (which is a row of houses and two hotels, across the road from Quantico); we were at the Ramada there... which was GHETTO! Laura found it for us - it wasn't her fault. On the internet, it boasted all these great ammenities... we get there and all they had was a crappy breakfast and a giant Latino who tried to eat Greg. ("Que?!") Yes... the Ramada was under construction, which meant that everything thing... EVERYthing... was under construction. A painter on stilts emerged from one of the rooms as we were walking by, nearly scaring Greg to death... it was hilarious...

That night, "some of us" got completely shitfaced (everyone but me and Briana) and Seana led them all in a rousing game of Truth or Dare. (I guess she felt like it was the easiest way to get to know everyone!) So, not to be disappointing, an annonymous cast member apparently dropped trou on a dare, and mooned the backside of the Ramada. (Fully deserved, if you ask me.) Also, some sexual positions were demonstrated by persons who shall remain nameless...

Anyways, we spent our day off in DC, seeing the monuments and memorials on the Mall. We went to the Museum of American History (briefly); then met up with friends of Paul's (Owen and Alan), who then took the boys and Laura to various gay bars in the area.

Let's see... what else has happened in the past few days? Lots of shows, lots of driving, lots of insanity. One day, we all piled in the van, and went to see Walk the Line... but I haven't any idea when that happened. Bad Blogger! BAD!

The venue yesterday (Stewart Theatre, at North Carolina State University) was pretty good; the venue officials were great; they fed us bagels and fruit (and really strong coffee), were very chatty and friendly, and the stage space is pretty cool. We have another show there, today... then we load out and drive to Charlotte NC for the night.

We're looking forward to Charlotte, as we're told that there's good BBQ to be had! We are compiling a list of favorite restaurants, too -- to come in the next post.

That's it for today... More photos to come, too, in the next post.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Yep, huge Noreaster hit last night, and our show in Newark* DE was cancelled. There's about 10 inches of snow, here; roads aren't so great, so we're staying here for the night, and then probably driving to Dumfres VA tomorrow. Pretty crazy...

So, yesterday we were in McClean, VA at the Alden Theatre. GREAT SPACE, awesome crew, they FED US... TWICE! Rock on.

So, we're scoping out what there is to do, here in Newark*, since we have nothing to do and nowhere to go! Looks like it's either movies or bowling. But, honestly, what else do you need? We're staying at the Comfort Inn (free breakfast with a waffle maker, laundry, and fitness room--thanks, Lindsay!! )... there's even a liquor store across the road. On special: Pabst Blue Ribbon -- a case and a half for under $10. Last night, we loaded up on PBR, and watched a Bab's double-feature (on mute, for the straight boys: A Star is Born and Yentl) while also playing Trivial Pursuit. Oh, and everyone had to drink every time you see Kris Kristofferson's nipples in A Star is Born -- which is viturally every scene. Drinking games sure do help me get through a beer before it gets warm. Almost.

So, drunk Trivial Pusuit after an awful, gut-busting "dinner" at Denny's. Team Cara/Tim kinda kicked some Team Paul/Greg/Pat ass, (with Greg kind of floating between teams)... however, it was Tim's deck, so there's no telling how many cards he might have seen before...

Signing off, for now... more later.

*pronounced New Ark, we were informed yesterday.

Friday, February 10, 2006

A Post from Briana.
Hello everyone- parents, sibs, friends, Michael A. and the Dob!

My god, Tim and the hot tubs! Hot tubs and coffee, these are the
essentials, I see. I don't know, I'm neither a hot tub nor a coffee
person- errmm, I'm not a hot tub Person either- but I can sympathize.
I must say, the fitness centers at these hotels are keeping me ALIVE.
I keep forgetting where we are, but wherever we are, wow, these
crabcakes- My fellow New Yorkers, crab cakes are actually supposed to
have CRAB in them! Wow.

This tour is spectacular- I'm told that it's like college (I haven't
been yet) minus the work. Then I look forward to college. I do this
show every day and hear those kids going nuts and cannot believe we're
getting Paid to do this. I also cannot believe how much spare time I
have- and for those of you who do not know me, I'm not used to having
much spare time. I will verify that I have not been drinking, as Cara
says. But I am eating too much dessert, uh oh.

Did I learn anything new today? I think so but I can't remember
what... However, I can tell you that we're all getting to know each
other better and better with each passing day. Some lovely factoids
from this morning's load out: Greg has phalanges in an unfortunate
spot. And Laura is graying, you know where. This is not speculative;
they said so.

Anyway, I mostly just wanted to say Hi!



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tapey's growing! LOOK HOW BIG ALREADY! (Tim's over it.)

The Sasquatch sighting (Tim, on the left) on the Mass Turnpike.

HALF a sandwich from this crazy place in Waterville, ME... note the scale, next to Pauls' hand...

Jeremy, our fearless leader.

All of us... acting crazy.

Um,... yeah.

Tapey's birthday. (Tim's over it.)


THIS is the fabulous weather we encountered when leaving Maine, a couple weeks ago. THIS is why we spun out in the van!

Laura, driving the van, as per usual.

Loading the van, in the snow (Maine).

Fairfax, VA.
Two show day -- exhausting! Good day, though. The venue (George Mason University) was great; there was a crew there to meet us, and they helped us unload (we love that); we even had LIGHT and everything. (A few shows ago, out on Long Island... there was no front light, to speak of. There were lights shining directly down, but nothing to light faces from the house... it was REEAALLY special. The guy there just turned on half the board and walked away.)

But here we are in Fairfax, and all went splendidly at the venue this morning. We're staying at the Comfort Inn -- there's a POOL and a WORKOUT CENTER... it's been grand. We all hit the pool yesterday, after our drive from NYC. I can still taste the chlorine in the back of my throat. YAY! Although, no hot tub, damn it. Well, when you're used to the Super 8, this place is a luxury hotel. If they give you cookies, and the door to your room doesn't open to the parking lot, you're in swanky-town.

Oh-- and just want to give a shout-out to Michael and Jeremy, and anyone else from Theatreworks who's reading this... hAY! I didn't expect that Thwks would find out about our little operation, this little blog... but I'm glad that you have. Now it's all out in the open. While we ARE teaching the young Briana a bunch of nasty, dirty words, we are NOT allowing her to drink, or go to bars, etc. So... if ludeness is against company rules, I'm handing in my Card!

Briana's education today: "dickfer"

Oh, and it has come to my attention that some of my recent posts have read "like a Hallmark card", according to SOME people (you know who you are). WELL, you know what... SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME...

But, in an effort to keep our current readership, in the future, I shall restrict my blogging to regailing you all with stories of drinking, rioting, events of a humorous nature, and none of the future posts will contain anything with words longer than... (h.u.m.o.r.o.u.s.) 8 letters long. I won't even use the word humorous, anymore. From now on, it's either FUNNY, or it's NOT. Perhaps now I'll be discovered by Maxum, or Cosmo, or some other literary giant, and be paid truckloads of money to write for THEM...

Pictures to come...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New York City. We leave this morning for Virginia.

"...why can't I stay in one place,
for more than two days? WHY?!
Cause I'm talking about the road...

-Tenacious D

Sunday, February 05, 2006

New York City.

The first of two GLORIOUS days off, here in the city. Tuesday morning, we leave for Virginia.

Spending some time today with Warren and the cats, hanging out, doing the show laundry and watching School of Rock. "I pledge allegiance to the Band..." I'm sure everyone else is enjoying their last few days of domestic bliss, too.

Nothing else to report, so I'll write more once we're on the road.