on the road with CURIOUS GEORGE

The cast of CURIOUS GEORGE tells tales of travel.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Las Vegas, NV
Okay... if I were to play by the "what happens in Vegas..." rules, there would be no entry.
So, to HELL with the rules!!

We're actually having a great time, but the Cosmo-induced hangover I had this morning... not so much.

On Friday, we had two shows; these Vegas kids are INSANE. Never heard screaming that loud. It was like being a rock star. And VOCAL -- right in the middle of the painter/director scene, a kid yells out, "She's funny!" I can only imagine that he mistook Patrick for a girl, because everybody knows how un-funny I am. I mean... either that, or the child had some weird version of Tourettes.

Anyways, after the shows, we all rested for a bit, and then made for The Strip. We met up with Greg's sister Elizabeth (of Oscar Party fame) and her friend Katie, and took in a Cirque show. (Briana went to see "KA", while the rest of us opted for the racier "ZOOMANITY"). Then there was much drinking (see "hangover, above"), some gambling (Tim & Elizabeth won a little on slots; Patrick won a couple HUNDRED at roulette); and we even managed to find a karaoke bar in the middle of the MGM. Greg sang 'backup' for me on "Respect"; Paul stole the show with "Livin' on a Prayer"; and Patrick sang something, but I can't remember the song-- and DAMN is that boy funny. Then we bar-hopped and club-hopped (and all three of us girls hobbled, due to the incredibly lame move of wearing cute little heels) until ...oh, 2:30? 3:00?

Today, there was more hyjinx, most of which I've managed to stay out of! I was in bed with afore mentioned hangover until noon, keeping me out of any AM trouble. Then Briana and I did some "normal" stuff in Vegas-free Vegas (grocery shopping, Barnes and Noble, etc). The rest of them, god bless them, are seeing the rest of the Strip, and probably will not be fit to drive back to CA, come morning.

Isn't tour FUN?

Briana bought a camera, so I'm hoping she'll be more responsible about sharing her photos for the blog. As soon as possible, we'll at least have photos of Vegas, for all of you patient readers...

So, as of 10:00AM tomorrow, Vegas will have been DONE by the cast of Curious George!


At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so thoughtful of all of you to join in our anniversary celebration. You could not have enjoyed your visit with us more than we loved having you all stay with us. Hope you are still having a wonderful time.
Bev and Guy

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Blogett and Blogs...thank-you for the special anniversary gift. What a pleasant surprise. Guy & Bev


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