on the road with CURIOUS GEORGE

The cast of CURIOUS GEORGE tells tales of travel.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pasadena, CA
If this group were stranded on a deserted island, let's say the island of LOST, who among us would fit right in, and who would be, well... the extras?

Well, first of all, I'm at a loss to find a character who I resemble; to my knowledge, no one on the island has had ONE head cold. Not ONE! If I were on that island, I'd have had three sinus infections so far, and would have had to do God-only-knows for Sawyer in exchange for pills ending in '-cillin'. (Oh, DARN). Also, none of those women seem to have any problem eating... 'oh, whatever'. I, myself, would never have come upon Hurley in the jungle holding a perfectly good chocolate bar and REFUSED the offer to 'split it'. I'd be tackling him to the ground and demanding to be taken to his stash. Lastly, none of the castaways have any trouble strapping on a backpack and going for a hike through the freaking HAUNTED JUNGLE... or whatever the hell it is that's out there... these people are all much braver and more insane that I could ever pretend to be. Just give me a campfire and some strong sleeping pills, and wake me when the ocean liner pulls up.

Laura would do well on the island, I think, seeing as how she's the female version of Jack. Oh, sure, maybe she doesn't have his incredibly low hairline or perpetual manly stubble, but Laura is the one who we all go crying to when we have a boo-boo, need to blow off some steam, or can't figure out if the new guy really is stranded, or is one of the "others". Wait.. never mind, we don't have a new guy.

Greg can be only one character, and that would be a very thin version of Hurley. He eats like there's no tomorrow, keeps us all in stitches, and even when he's not feeling well, he never makes waves... wait, is Greg secretly worth 150 million bucks? Um... Greeeeeg...? Of course, there is that little bit of Charlie (the junkie) in Greg, as well -- when a guy needs vodka in his juice --when he's sick, no less-- for a ride down to Venice... um... hello, ALK-IE!!??!

Paul would do well on the island, except for the whole deserted-island-with-no-gay-men-anywhere thing. He'll be pleased to read that I think he is somewhat like Sawyer, because of how much he's been reading lately, plus there's a mischievous little grin can seem Sawyer-ish, at times. Other times, however, he reminds me *just* a little bit of Shannon, sunning herself while the plane behind her is a smoldering wreck. Ah, how we miss Shannon...

Patrick is Jin, if for no other reason than his terribly romantic devotion to his woman... and, let's face it, at 7:00 am, like Jin, he can be a tad moody. (Okay... but who isn't at that hour?)

Briana is like the guy they've got locked up in the hatch. One minute, she seems completely innocent, a poor, stranded bird among wolves... and the next... she seems like she might be capable of knocking you over the head when your back is turned, and dragging you off to the Others for a good, old fashioned anal probe. She is a tough little lady, to be sure.

Which leaves Tim. I have no idea who Tim would be, other than maybe Walt's golden retriever (who's name escapes me). Tim can show up, tail wagging, at any hour of the day or night; seemingly unaware that being stranded on a desert island is really all that different from having a nice, big back yard to play in. Sick as a dog, too -- maybe that's why I thought of him.


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